What to Wear?
What to wear through the seasons...

- Waterproof suit or set
- One pair of comfortable trousers
- One t-shirt, light long sleeved t-shirt
- One fleecy zip up jacket
- One pair of socks
- Wellies or sturdy closed toe shoes (which you don't mind getting wet and muddy!)
- A sun hat for sunny days
- 3 x Spare trousers x 3, spare tops x 3, spare socks x 3, spare pants x 3 (more than three sets if toilet training)
- 2 x Sun safe swim set
- We recommend that children arrive at the nursery already wearing an all-day sunscreen.

- Waterproof suit or set.
- One pair of comfortable trousers
- One long sleeved t-shirt or top
- One thick jumper
- One fleecy zip up jacket
- Two pairs of socks. On the bottom, one thin cotton sock, and the top, a thick wool or fluffy bed sock
- Wellies or sturdy closed toe shoes (which you don't mind getting wet and muddy!)
- 3 x Spare trousers x 3, spare tops x 3, spare socks x 3, spare pants x 3 (more than three sets if toilet training)

- Waterproof suit or set
- The base layer - thermals
- Bottom layer - fleece or other warm tracksuit bottoms
- First top layer - long sleeve t-shirt or thin jumper
- Second top layer - fleece jumper
- Third top layer - fleece jacket
- Neck scarf
- Hat and gloves (plenty of spares to be packed in backpack, we have found that Didriksons do very good mittens for cold weather.)
- Four pairs of socks. Two pairs to wear (on the bottom, one thin cotton sock, and the top, a thick wool or fluffy bed sock) and two spare pairs to be packed.
- Extra Jumpers to be packed in a backpack for really cold days
- Snow boots or sturdy warm outdoor boots
Please ensure all your children's clothes are clearly labelled.
In average weather we recommend wellies with 2 pairs of socks. The bottom a thin cotton sock then top sock a thick wool or fluffy bed sock, similar to those sold next to the checkout at H&M or Heat holder socks are amazingly toasty! Warm wellies are our recommended wellies until it's properly cold.
When it gets very cold Happy Little Soles are our recommended supplier for snow boots for Mikk-Line and Melton Thermal boots, the Bundgaard Sailor boots and the Bogs Neo Classic.
A good hat is a must and JoJo Maman Bébé have lovely warm ones, although they aren't waterproof. However, we can always pop their hoods up on those occasional wet days.
We suggest thick, waterproof ski gloves. We have found that Didriksons do very good mittens for cold weather. Although, we have discovered that most children don't like the curtailment of freedom that they feel in such bulky gloves, so, alternatively, we recommend a multipack of woollen gloves. On really cold days, fleece mittens on top of the woollen gloves will help keep the children's hands extra warm.
We recommend Didrikson's sets. Muddy puddles also do very good waterproof sets as do Alex and Alexa.